Monday, November 10, 2008

After you read this, you will probly think I am bat shit crazy, but I swear I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

Okay, so I skipped a few days. What can I say, my mind has been elsewhere. Much has transpired in the last few days believe it or not. Upon further research into the Novelty Theory and "Time Wave Zero" I have discovered that this month could be a very exciting one. The Novelty Theory basically suggests that there is an exponential function which can be correlated with the progression of our species (or something like that). It correlates to everything from our population, production, life expectancy all the way to the amount of information available to us, ease of communication, connectivity. Basically, everything we are capable of and the rate at which that increases. About 10,000 years ago we learned to farm, and we had the agricultural revolution. About 200 years ago, we saw the dawn of the industrial revolution. About 30 years ago, we saw the beginnings of what would become the internet and realized the potential that computers had. These species-changing events are increasing at an accelerated rate that will reach an infinity point close to the end of 2012, with the last 18 changes to come in the last day, and of those 13 in the last fraction of a second. I don't know exactly what it means. It could mean anything. It could mean nothing. The thing is the Novelty Theory is just one piece of the puzzle. One theory. There are many other facets to the mystery of 2012 many of which overlap including, of course, the Mayan Calender. As well as Christianity and any other religion with a Christ like figure, which includes the majority of all world religions. God is to Christians what Quetzalcoatl was to the Mayans, what Zeus was to the Greeks, what Science is to atheists, and what the Sun was to those before any of them. (Maybe the atheist metaphor is a bit off, but you get my gist, and I thought it was clever.) It all goes back to the Sun. And Space. Guess what? Some really funky shit is scheduled to go down in space around December of 2012. I can't get into that right now though, I've rambled enough. It will have to wait till later, we'll take this one step at a time. Today's lesson was the Novelty Theory, research it, as well as the Theory of Singularity, but for now I must stay on track with the present and today's happenings, lest this blog never gets finished.
Today was a strange day. I stayed up late last night watching Chinatown for the first time. What a fucked up movie, can't talk about it now though. What you need to know is that Jack Nicholson's character gets his nose cut in that movie, so for about thirty minutes of the movie he's got this bandage on his nose. This may sound like a familiar image, I know I have seen it numerous times before I saw the movie. I always thought to myself, "I need to see that movie where Jack Nicholson is wearing a bandage on his nose." So I did. Then today I stroll into work, and I shit you not, this old guy at work had a bandage on his nose just like the one in Chinatown. Meaningful coincidence? Well, I don't believe it was "meaningful", but I don't believe in coincidences either, so... 
That wasn't the big news today though. Big news today is aliens! Yes, aliens are somehow a part of all this, I know it seems outlandish, but the truth is sometimes hard to swallow. So far this year, we've had a reoccurence of the Phoenix Lights over Arizona. We've had de-classified U.K. Ministry of Defense information regarding UFO sightings over the past decades in which one particular group of pilots reported a ship the size of an air craft carrier that shot off at over 9,000 mph, with interviews with these pilots today, fifty years later, still baffled. Then there's the ex-astronaut from Apollo 14, who at 77, has come forth and said that aliens have made contact, have visited on several occasions, and that the government has been fighting to cover it up for sixty years. Now, today in the news I saw a piece on the new handbooks FEMA is passing out to Firestations across the nation. One chapter focuses on how to handle the events of a UFO encounter/attack/crash site and even what to expect and how to care for wounded aliens. I'm serious about all this shit. It is in the news! I know the media is not to be trusted, but maybe this deserves a little bit more attention from the public? I mean surely it makes for more interesting news, right? Last night, I also received an email from my friend, Nick, notifying me that NASA is making some kind of announcement regarding a "significant discovery regarding another planet in another solar system", on my birthday no less. Plus, I think I should add,  remember that novelty theory I mentioned earlier? Well, it's supposed to hit one of its big peak "changes" this month, but maybe that change was the election of the Anti-Christ. I really hope not. I hope this months big change will be NASA coming clean about the aliens. That would change the world more than any President ever could. Could you imagine how's the world's view would change if light was shed to suggest that WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO INHABIT THE UNIVERSE? That would be so awesome for us to know. I would feel much more comfortable knowing that, because the opposite is even scarier. I know this all very wishful thinking, but I have hope, I hope they are talking about some intelligent life out there somewhere, I really hope we fucking found some, because that is something that we are running out of faster than fossil fuels. Thanks for reading the DSotA. More later. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Please, stop with the remakes already...

The film industry is really struggling to come up with original ideas these days, that is not news. They have been rehashing the same shit for years, but in the past decade, I'm sure you can agree, it has completely gotten out of hand. When a director runs out of new ideas I think he should just hang up his hat, you know? Sure, there have been a few good remakes, but most are absolute shit. You would think some movies are not possible to remake. That is not the case, nothing is sacred anymore. I learned about two remakes today. Two remakes that have absolutely no business being made. The first one is MTV's remake of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now, personally, I was never a big fan of this particular cult classic, but that doesn't mean I don't hold a certain amount of appreciation for it. This will surely be a travesty of epic proportions. The second, and this one hits me where it hurts, is Oldboy. This is my favorite foreign film and Steven Spielberg wants to make it with Will Smith. I can't see how those two could even begin to broach the subject of remaking this film. I don't even feel like talking about it, I just hope neither of these films gets made.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I literally don't have enough hours in the day...

I find myself low on sleep, my insomnia seems to be at its worst. Internet addiction is most definitely the largest part of this problem. I'm addicted to a lot of things, I guess I have an "addictive personality", whatever that means, I never quite understood the expression. Anyway, the internet is a fairly new addiction. I think its the information I'm addicted to the most. The problem is I take in so much information it gets hard to process and retain the lot of it. I don't know if there is a solution to this problem. I don't think I want a solution. 
Anyways, todays sign of the apocalypse is directly linked to yesterday's. Coincidence? I don't really believe in coincidences anymore. I like to think of them as "synchronicities", little things to let you know your on the right path, things just seem to sync up. Yesterday, the world learned about the sixteen year old frozen mouse that was cloned and today Michael Crichton author of Jurassic Park died.
So, there you have it, todays DSotA.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope Prevails.

Two big signs of the Apocalypse I noticed today. But first let me clarify here, I don't actually believe there is an apocalypse coming. I just thought it was a nifty title and somewhat accurate, if used as a metaphor. I do, however, believe in some pretty far out stuff, which some believe to be the apocalypse, but it isn't. However, that is a blog that I don't have the time to write at the moment. I am working on it though, don't worry, it is a big one and I want to do it right. Anyhow, the first sign I couldn't help but notice today, President Barack Obama. Not a big surprise. This is way too much to blog about right now as well, but I promise I shall try and get around to it. This is an amazing turn of events. I just feel the need to let it sink in, because for the first time in a long time I felt genuinely hopeful. Obama's acceptance speech really hit home with me and my beliefs. I have felt like our society was doomed for a long time, but he has genuinely instilled a sense of hope in me, although I am still skeptical as to what his true motives may be. Actions always speak much louder than words, especially in politics, so we will really have to wait and see. 
This blog is aimed more at shit that slips under the radar which I think should be big news. Which brings me to the next story that really caught my eye. Those scientists have gone and fooled around with nature one step further and revealed today that they have successfully cloned a mouse that had been dead for sixteen years. I actually haven't even read the article yet, so let me go do that...
*10 minutes later*
Okay, so yea, they did it. Some Japanese scientists took brain cells from a dead mouse that had been frozen for sixteen years and cloned that bitch. They also say there is no reason why it wouldn't be possible for, let's say, the wooly mammoth or sabre-tooth tiger to be cloned. Which brought me to another fascinating realization; science-fiction will soon no longer be fiction. We've got these folks on their way to Jurassic Park. Then there's these guys. They are deleting specific memories in mice, which must mean its likely to be possible for humans. That's just like the neuralizer from Men in Black. Okay, maybe not just like it, but the same effects nonetheless. I don't feel like searching for anymore links, but take my word for it. The army is developing laser guns and active camouflage, just like in Star Wars, Predator, and countless other sci-fi flicks. Jet packs are cooler than ever. We have the beginnings of real deal holograms, which most of America saw on television tonight if they were watching CNN for the election. This is all in relation to the exponential times we live in. A time of change. Change you can't even begin to imagine. I will try to explain it all in detail and in due time. 
This has been your daily sign of the apocalypse.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Not Voting...

But I don'​t live in a swing​ state​,​ so serio​usly,​ it doesn​'​t mean a fuck.​ We all know which​ way Texas​ is going​.​ You won'​t convi​nce me that my vote count​s,​ so don'​t waste​ your effor​t.​ Trust​ me, if I was in a swing​ state​,​ I would​ vote.​

With that said,​ I just want to note how compl​etely​ obvio​us the choic​e shoul​d be to peopl​e.​ I'm sure most of you have heard​ about​ the vario​us "​Redne​cks for Obama​"​.​ I guess​ that was surpr​ising​ at first​,​ but it made sense​ after​ it sunk in. I think​ they just came aroun​d,​ or they were redne​cks,​ but not racis​t,​ or they were racis​t,​ but they were smart​.​ Howev​er,​ the quote​s I have copie​d and paste​d below​ still​ do not quite​ make sense​ to me. These​ quote​s are from three​ of the leade​rs of the White​ Supre​macis​t Movem​ent in Ameri​ca today​ and these​ men are endor​sing Barac​k Obama​.​ This total​ly blows​ my mind.​ I mean these​ guys are going​ again​st every​thing​ they belie​ve in and preac​h.​ I canno​t begin​ to fatho​m the conce​pt of Nazis​ suppo​rting​ a black​ candi​date for Presi​dent of the count​ry they live in. How bad does the white​ guy have to suck for that to happe​n?​ Prett​y fucki​ng bad is my guess​.​ Here'​s the thing​ thoug​h.​ I know way too many peopl​e that suppo​rt McCai​n,​ and I can'​t begin​ to relat​e with them.​ It's lunac​y,​ I liter​ally think​ you have to be eithe​r a.) menta​lly insan​e,​ b.) menta​lly chall​enged​,​ or c.) excee​dingl​y misin​forme​d and naive​.​ I'm not sayin​g I don'​t have my doubt​s about​ Mr. Obama​,​ I belie​ve he could​ very well be the Anti-​Chris​t,​ but come on, McCai​n/​Palin​?​ I'd serio​usly rathe​r have the Anti-​Chris​t,​ I just think​ it would​ be rad for some reaso​n,​ like in Littl​e Nicky​,​ when his broth​ers try to take over.​ Okay,​ I'm rambl​ing now, on with the afore​menti​oned quote​s:​

"​White​ peopl​e are faced​ with eithe​r a negro​ or a total​ nutte​r who happe​ns to have a pale face.​ Perso​nally​ I’d prefe​r the negro​.​ Natio​nal Socia​lists​ are not mindl​ess hater​s.​ Here,​ I see a white​ man, who is almos​t dead,​ who decla​res he wants​ to fight​ endle​ss wars aroun​d the globe​ to make the world​ safe for Judeo​-​capit​alist​ explo​itati​on,​ who suppo​rts the invas​ion of Ameri​ca by illeg​als–b​asica​lly a conti​nuati​on of the last eight​ years​ of Emper​or Bush.​ Then,​ we have a black​ man, who loves​ his own kind,​ belon​gs to a Black​-​Natio​nalis​t relig​ion,​ is marri​ed to a black​ woman​–when​ usual​ly negro​es who have ‘made​ it’ immed​iatel​y land a white​ spous​e as a kind of prize​ — that’​s the kind of negro​ that I can respe​ct.​"

-​Rocky​ Suhay​da,​ chair​man of the Ameri​can Nazi Party​

"​Obama​ might​ be a bette​r candi​date for our cause​ becau​se he’s racia​lly consc​ious.​ … I give Obama​ credi​t,​ he seems​ to have stuck​ to his guns as far as pulli​ng the troop​s out of Iraq.​ He’s a very intel​ligen​t man, an excel​lent speak​er and has chari​sma.​ John McCai​n offer​s none of that.​ Perha​ps the best thing​ for the white​ race is to have a black​ presi​dent.​ My only probl​em with Obama​ is perha​ps he’s not black​ enoug​h.​"

-​Erich​ Glieb​e,​ chair​man of the Natio​nal Allia​nce and forme​r pro boxer​ with the nickn​ame “The Aryan​ Barba​rian”​

"The corpo​ratio​ns are runni​ng thing​s now, so it’s not going​ to make much diffe​rence​ who’s​ in there​,​ but McCai​n would​ be much worse​.​ He’s a warmo​nger.​ He’s a scary​,​ scary​ perso​n–mor​e dange​rous than Bush.​"

-Tom Metzg​er,​ direc​tor of White​ Aryan​ Resis​tance​ and forme​r Grand​ Drago​n of the Ku Klux Klan

This has been your Daily​ Sign of the Apoca​lypse​.​